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March 6, 2024 | 3 Mins Read

How We're Celebrating International Women's Day

March 6, 2024 | 3 Mins Read

How We're Celebrating International Women's Day


Episode 255

In this episode of the Future of Field Service podcast, host Sarah Nicastro discusses how Future of Field Service plans to celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day theme of inspiring inclusion and shares some of her favorite words of wisdom from women featured on the podcast this past year.

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Episode Highlights:

  • [03:25] - In episode 206, Cait Donovan challenges the common belief that avoiding burnout is solely an individual's responsibility, arguing instead that it's a broader issue tied to societal and organizational factors.
  • [04:32] - In episode 209, Trina Stargard Nielsen enlightens us with her wisdom on leadership in the era of digital transformation. She champions the essence of humility in leadership, highlighting the necessity of embracing a team where members may surpass you in intelligence, education, or even salary.
  • [07:00] - In episode 217, Mita Mallick unpacks the myths holding us back from real progress. In her latest book, "Reimagine Inclusion," Mita challenges 13 common misconceptions, encouraging us to confront the uncomfortable truths that prevent meaningful change.
  • [08:40] - In episode 221, Marie Cobessi stresses the importance of gender equity within the organization, advocating for increased representation of women at all levels, from technicians to management. She believes the visibility of women in diverse roles is crucial for inspiring change and promoting the idea of "Why not me?" among potential female candidates.
  • [11:00] - In episode 224, Lauren Winans highlights the importance of treating employees as human beings, stressing that neglecting soft skills can lead to significant turnover costs. She advocates for viewing every business element through a lens that asks whether it will benefit or harm employees.
  • [12:50] - In episode 226, Christine Miners and Rick Lash share priceless insights on redefining leadership beyond simple task completion. They note a common pitfall where leaders equate their value simply with getting tasks done, neglecting the essential roles of reflection, clarity, and empowerment. This mindset shift is crucial for fostering a culture of innovation and empowering employees.
  • [15:05] - In episode 236, Sara Smith unveils her inspiring journey from a toxic background to becoming a trailblazer in field service by overcoming gender-based challenges and harassment in her early days as a service technician. Her story is a powerful reminder of the importance of creating supportive and inclusive workplaces, especially for women in technical roles.
  • [18:54] - In episode 241, Linda Tucci underscores the role of authentic communication, compassionate leadership, and the power of vulnerability and self-reflection. Linda's journey highlights how facing challenges can deepen our understanding of leadership, making her insights incredibly valuable.
  • [21:26] - In episode 246, Caroline Häggström Marklund dismantles the myth that putting people first is ineffective, highlighting how it empowers teams, fosters complex problem-solving, and enhances customer relationships. By trusting and enabling her 400-strong team to navigate their roles with autonomy towards shared goals, she showcases the importance of adaptability and trust in today's work environments.
  • [24:20] - In episode 248, Ann Sørensen explores the shift towards valuing attitude and behavior alongside technical knowledge. This approach, increasingly adopted by service organizations, underlines the critical role of diversity in all its forms, not just gender equity but diversity of thought, background, and perspective. Such diversity fuels innovation, creativity, and growth, which are essential for business evolution.

Episode Notes: